It is tough to put in words what Tom Law meant to us at The Patina Tool Club and the woodworking community at large.
We are lucky to have a tool chest made by Tom that was purchased at our Damascus Annual event then donated to our group by a gracious buyer.
We are selling raffle tickets (in person only) at our next Patina Tools meeting in January and then announcing the winner. Tickets are only $10.
The tool chest is extremely well made with several types of joinery visible. Tom was an extremely talented woodworker, aside from a saw expert sharpener with a rich legacy.

Tying in with our most recent speaker who talked at length about saw sharpening, we also have DVD copies of “Hand Saw Sharpening” with Tom Law. They retail for $ 24.95 but we have copies for $20. So get in touch, if interested.
And buy a raffle ticket at our January meeting and good luck!