Annual Tool Show and Auction
PATINA Meetings
Jan, March (Annual Tool Show and Auction) May, Jul, Sep, Nov 2024
What is PATINA?
The Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association, Inc. (PATINA) is an educational, tax-exempt organization for people who have an interest in the tools, crafts or manufacturing processes of the past.
Formed in 1977, PATINA is a regional tool club based in the Washington, D.C. area. We have members from 24 states, the District of Columbia and several foreign countries. Antique tool collectors, tool users and people simply seeking knowledge are well represented in PATINA's membership. The annual dues of $15 includes membership for the entire family and they are welcome to participate in all PATINA events. PATINA's original group of about 30 has grown to over 350. Antique tool collectors, tool users and people simply seeking knowledge are well represented in PATINA's membership.
Our mission is to promote and increase knowledge and understanding of the tools and trades practiced by our American ancestors.
Our bimonthly meetings, held at the American Legion Post 270 in McLean, Virginia 22101, generally start with tailgate sales around 9:00 AM, followed by a short tool auction around 12 noon. The presentation by the guest speaker begins after the auction.
Latest News from PATINA
January 12, 2025 contest winners!
Club member Dave Kerley won the raffle for a tool chest made by the late Tom Law that was purchased at our Damascus Annual event then donated to our group by a gracious buyer. The tool chest is extremely well made with several types of joinery visible. Tom was an extremely talented woodworker, aside from... Continue reading→
Raffle for Tom Law tool chest to be held at the January 2025 meeting
It is tough to put in words what Tom Law meant to us at The Patina Tool Club and the woodworking community at large. We are lucky to have a tool chest made by Tom that was purchased at our Damascus Annual event then donated to our group by a gracious buyer. We are selling... Continue reading→
Time to renew your PATINA Membership by submitting 2025 Annual Dues!
Patina 2025 dues are now payable. Please send your $15 check to: Mary Anne Graham, PO Box 211, Round Hill, VA 20142 or pay by PayPal: patinatools45@gmail.com.. Those who join or rejoin in between November 10, 2024 or at/or before the January 2025 Patina meeting on January 12 will be eligible for a $100 Woodcraft... Continue reading→
Virginia Artisans Festival at Rockler in Fairfax This Saturday November 2!
This Saturday Nov 2, Rockler Woodworking and Hardware in Fairfax is hosting a Virginia Artisans Festival and has invited PATINA to sell tools, and local Guild members can show projects. Come enjoy the event and pick up a few tools that you might “need” at 12975 Fair Lakes Shopping Center, Fairfax VA 22033. Continue reading→
The 45th Annual Tool Show and Auction is now set for March 15, 2025!
The 2025 Tool Show and Auction date has been announced for the weekend of March 14 and 15th 2025! As always setup and early entry will be Friday, March 14th with the actual show and auction to commence Saturday, March 15th. Consignments for 2025 have been coming in at a steady pace and will accept... Continue reading→
Upcoming PATINA meeting Sunday September 15 featuring Greg Ricketts
For our upcoming meeting on Sunday September 15 we feature returning guest speaker Greg Ricketts back by popular request. Greg will present a hands-on demo entitled “The Combination Plane: Practical Use presentation/workshop” Greg will have a wide variety of Stanley 45 and copies of this design on display, including some very rare versions, as well... Continue reading→
Annual Tool Sale and Auction
The next Annual Tool Show and Auction will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025.
On a beautiful Saturday this past March 2024, PATINA held its most recent Annual Tool Show and Auction in Damascus, Maryland. The auction took place on the same day as the dealer tool sale and started at 2:00 pm. consignees submitted tools, books, catalogs, artwork and advertising items pertaining to the subject of tools.
This annual event is free to attend and open to the general public and consists of tailgating (Friday and Saturday outside the Hall), a dealer tool sale (inside the Hall) and a tool auction (Saturday inside the Hall). The lots are open for inspection all day and usually feature antique tools, planes, chisels and the like but can also have user tools, antiques, collectables, signs and even some scientific-type pieces.
Auction-Related News
Benefits of Membership
Our mission is to promote and increase knowledge and understanding of the tools and trades practiced by our American ancestors. Membership in PATINA is open to anyone interested in our mission.
- Attend PATINA Tool Meetings – Antique & traditional tools for sale, trade, programs, displays & demos. See schedule of meetings and information on previous meetings.
- Our annual Tool Auction has become a significant event in the tool marketplace. Quality tools and especially collector-type tools command larger premiums at our events. Tools are consigned by members and buying is open to the public. As almost all of the work of conducting the auction is done by member volunteers, we offer an inexpensive means of selling tools to the collecting community.
- Invitations to educational programs, auctions, and tool sales.