Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association
The Potomac Antique Tools and Industries Association, Inc. (PATINA) is an educational, tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) organization for people who have an interest in the tools, crafts or manufacturing processes of the past.
Formed in 1977, PATINA is a regional tool club based in the Washington, D.C. area. We have members from 24 states, the District of Columbia and several foreign countries. Antique tool collectors, tool users and people simply seeking knowledge are well represented in PATINA's membership. The annual dues of $15.00 includes membership for the entire family and they are welcome to participate in all PATINA events. PATINA's original group of about 30 has grown to over 350.
Our mission is to promote and increase knowledge and understanding of the tools and trades practiced by our American ancestors.
The PATINA website was created to provide regular announcements of upcoming meetings and auctions, reports on past meetings, reviews of relevant publications, and notices of other tool-related events. As an educational organization, PATINA is often invited to stage exhibits and demonstrations for local and national groups that express an interest in early tools and trades.
Our bimonthly meetings, held at the American Legion Post 270 (1355 Balls Hill Rd, McLean, Virginia 22101), generally start with tailgate sales around 9:00 AM, followed by a short tool auction around 12 noon. The presentation by the guest speaker begins after the auction. Recent speakers included professional furniture makers, restorers, luthiers, period gun and coin manufacturing historians, coopers, and others, who presented some of their pieces and demonstrated working techniques. Speakers are local artisans or national figures such as Roy Underhill of The Woodwright's Shop, or from museums including Colonial Williamsburg.
In 2024, our meetings will occur on Sunday morning in January, March, May, July, September, & November.
In addition to the bimonthly meetings, PATINA hosts an Annual Tool Sale and Auction in Damascus, Maryland. Please consider joining PATINA for only $15.

2025 PATINA Officers
- Harold Syms - President
- Carlin Green - Treasurer
- John Davis - 1st Vice President and Program Director
- Mary Anne Graham - Vice President Membership Chairperson
- Clive Vella - Facebook Lead
- Jeff Karpa - Information Officer